September 11, 2008


The GAA Social Podcast ...
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Steven McDonnell: GAA will lose out by trying to quell competitive spirt

The year was 1988, the game was in Forkhill and our opponents were Cullyhanna. I was eight years old and ...
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The Free-Kick Revival

A huge debt of gratitude will be owed to Seán O’Shea and Rian O’Neill in years to come. Both of ...
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Ulster newcomers reaping major rewards from minor success

BACK in my minor playing days, when the age grade was under 18 - which should never have changed - ...
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Championship defeat can be devastating but we must tread carefully as many are facing bigger internal battles

Sport can sometimes be cruel and the feeling of hurt and emptiness you experience at the hands of defeat is ...
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Mayo will have plenty to fear from Tyrone’s ‘Mentality Monsters’

Jürgen Klopp once labelled his Liverpool team “Mentality Monsters”. On the evidence of what we witnessed in Croke Park on ...
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What do forwards need to do to get proper protection?

I’ve seen it often enough as a spectator and manager and have been on the receiving end of it numerous ...
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More big game experience will only benefit current Orchard crop

About two miles outside of Clones you start to notice the cars parked alongside the road. That feeling of excitement ...
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Playing the game and not the occasion is key to replicating training ground performance on the big day

I have often seen it with teams I have been involved in, both as a player and as a manager, ...
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Training ground battles made me sharper for challenge of the Championship

As a player, you are always trying to find that edge that adds something different to your game. Being a ...
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